《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第13期:适可而止的玩笑(在线收听

 I left it in the car. - I totally get it. -我放在车里了  -我完全理解

I have a legendary hat story. 我也有个传奇性的"帽子故事"
I'll bet you look fabulous in that dress. 我敢打赌你穿那件裙子一定美若天仙
Yes, but anyone would look fabulous in that dress. 是啊  但谁穿上那件裙子都会美若天仙的
- You find that blanket? - No. -你找到毛毯了吗  -没有
This was all I could find. Shut up! 我只能找到这件裙子  快闭嘴
- Really shows off your shape. - Okay. -真是完美展现你的好身材啊  -好吧
Spin around, cupcake. Let's see the caboose! 转一圈  小美妞  让我们瞧瞧你的美臀
You get fries with that shake? 有没有薯条配你那"奶臀"啊
Was that too far? 我是不是太过分了
There's a line, Jay. 凡事都有界限的  杰
I better go mop this up. 我最好过去解释一下
Oh, come on. Where's the- 噢  拜托  怎么找不到
I'm sorry if things got a little out of hand back there, 如果刚刚有点过分  我向你道歉
but in our defense, look at you. 但我们想辩解一下  瞧瞧你
I mean, smell you. 我是说  闻闻你身上的味儿
This is a fantastic apology. 你的道歉可真令人"顺心"
Oh, don't be too hard on the kid. I was egging him on. 别生那孩子的气  是我教他那么做的
You're gonna be mad, be mad at me. 如果你要生气  就生我的气好啦  
Done! 行啊
I was just happy to see him laugh a little bit. 我只是很高兴看到那孩子露出笑脸
You know, he's had kind of a tough week. 他这周过得挺不开心的