《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第14期:亲密时刻(在线收听

 I got sprayed by a skunk, 我被黄鼠狼喷了一身臭屁

and I'm wearing a dress that makes my hips look huge. 还穿着一条把我屁股衬托得很翘的裙子
I know he doesn't want me to talk about it, 我知道他不希望我提起这事儿
but he didn't get invited to this big party. 但他没有获邀参加某个盛大的派对
Some kids he thought were his friends 他自以为那些人是他的朋友  
think he's weird. 但对方认为他是个怪人
Now, you know me on this. I'm no- I'm no good at it. 你了解我的  我  我不擅长处理这种事
You know, I- I never know what to say. 我  总是不知道该如何安慰  
That's true. 那倒是真的
But maybe I raised a kid who would know what to say. 但或许我养大的儿子知道该怎么安慰
That's the only reason I invited him along- 所以我才邀他一起过来
you know, because this astronomy stuff, 因为  这种天文观测
that's- that's our thing. 是  属于我们父子俩的亲密时刻
Yeah. No, I'll talk to him. 是啊  好吧  我去找他谈谈
You know, you don't look that ridiculous. 其实  你穿这件衣服一点都不可笑
- Now, you actually got the legs for it. - Dad. -你的美腿真的可以衬起这件衣服  -老爸
No, I'm just saying, 不  我只是想说
- if you were that type of a gay- - Dad! -如果你是那种喜欢穿女装的同性恋  -老爸
You'd probably do all right for yourself. 可能也会混得不错哦
Come on! 拜托
You know, I always had a sense it was dangerous down here, 我其实一直觉得这片地区很危险
but I guess it's actually kind of charming, isn't it? 但其实还挺有魅力的  不是吗
No, it's not safe at all. 不  一点都不安全
- I used to live down here, you know. - What? -我曾经就住这儿  你知道吗  -什么