《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第15期:车轮被盗(在线收听

 Yeah, that's why I come down here. Look there. 是的哦  所以我才过来  瞧那边

That was my old apartment. 那是我曾经住过的公寓
After I left Javier, that's all I could afford. 我离开哈维尔后  只能负担得起那样的房子
It's still part of me. 那也是我人生经历的一部分
You have to remember those things, 你得记住那些过往的事情
like you when you go to your farm. 就像你出身在农场一样
You remember that? I told you that a year ago. 你记得那个呀  我好像是一年前告诉你的
Of course I do. You're my friend, you big idiot. 我当然记得  你是我的朋友  你个大白痴
You know, this part of town might be very rough, 其实  这一地区治安或许很差劲
but the people here, Cameron- the best. 但这里的人  小卡  他们都是最好的
I'm pretty sure I had wheels when I parked here. 我很确定我停车的时候  轮子还在的
Ayayay! Who did this? 奶奶个熊  谁干的
- No, it's okay, Gloria. - Who did this? -不  没事的  歌洛莉亚  -是谁干的
You coward son of bitches! 你个狗娘养的缩头乌龟
It's okay, everybody! I'm- I'm insured! 没事的  大家伙  我上了保险的
What? What? You scared? 怎么  怎么着  怕了吗
You scared to show your face, little girl? 不敢出来露脸了吗  怂货娘们儿
- No, it's all right, everybody! - Cameron, wait in the car! -不  没事的大家  -小卡  去车里待着
- Cameron! - Gloria, I think it's drivable. -卡梅隆  -歌洛莉亚  我觉得还是可以开的
Gloria! 歌洛莉亚
Just so you know, I'm going back up to Luke's room, 我想说  我马上会回到卢克的房间
- and I'm not leaving until he's finished. - Thank you. -他不弄完我就不走  -谢谢了
And I'm really sorry for not underestimating Luke enough. 我很抱歉还是有点高估卢克了
Well, that means a lot to me. 这话让我深感宽慰