《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第17期:上学被排斥(在线收听

 What are you doing? 你在干什么啊

I showed you how to make 'em, 我已经向你演示怎么做了
and now you can do it yourself. 现在你可以自己做了
Come on, guys. Let's go. 好了大家  都出去
Well, good, because I really wanted to. 很好  因为我真的很想亲自动手呢
Okay. I'm setting the oven to 700! 好吧  我把烤箱温度调到700度
I'm putting, uh- I'm putting the eggs in the bowl! 我  接下来把鸡蛋打入碗里
Oh, I got some shells in 'em! Uh-oh! 噢  我把蛋壳弄进去了  哎呀
Are you serious? 你要不要这么绝情啊
- Hey. - Hey, Mitchell. -嘿  -米奇尔
So, I know you'd never, um- 那个  我知道你永远不会...
I know you'd never, 我知道你永远不会
never believe this by looking at me right now, 你看到我现在的样子永远也不会相信
but, um, I used to get picked on at school too. 我以前在学校也被排斥被欺负
- So Jay told you? - Yeah. -杰告诉你了哈  -是啊
Yeah, they would, um- they'd call me weird. 他们会说我是怪胎
I was weird. Uh, fun weird. 我的确很怪  有趣的那种怪
But I- This is the funny thing about growing up. 但是成长的可笑之处就在这里
For years and years, everybody's desperately afraid... 在多年的时间中  大家都很害怕
to be different, you know, in any way. 标新立异  异于常人
And then, suddenly, almost overnight, 然后  突然间  几乎是一夜之间
everybody wants to be different, 大家又都想异于常人
and that is where we win. 那就是我们胜利的时候