《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第18期:梵高创作(在线收听

 I'm sort of counting on that. - Yeah. -我期盼着那一天的到来  -是啊

- I'm sorry I was picking on you too much. -Ah, that's- -我很抱歉对你太不客气了  -那...
Jay said that's what brothers do. 杰说兄弟间就是那样相处的
Well, we don't have to listen to him. 我们可以不用听他的  
- Brothers do that too. - Okay, ladies. -有时兄弟会合伙反抗老爸的  -姑娘们
Finish up your tea party. 茶话会该开完了吧
You're missing the show. 你们要错过好戏了
Can't believe I was fighting over this guy, huh? 真不该相信我会和这家伙较劲儿  是吧
Check it out. Check it out. 快看  快看
- Wow. - Awesome! -哇  -太美了
Why did he paint The Starry Night? 为什么梵高会创作《星夜》那幅画呢
Maybe because the sky is beautiful, 或许是因为天空很美丽
and everybody likes looking at it, 每个人都喜欢仰望星空
and it reminds us 那提醒我们
that something's up there watching over all of us- 天空中有东西在时刻盯着我们
aliens, who could be here in a second... 是外星人  他们可以瞬间到达地球
to liquefy us and use us as fuel. 把我们溶解成液体  变成燃料
So wake up, people. We're next. 醒醒吧  全人类  下一个就是我们了
Mom! 妈
You better get down here! 你最好快下来