《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第2期:我很搞笑(在线收听

 Well, in spite of you calling it a toy, 你将之称作"玩具"是大不敬

this is shaping up to top the best birthday I ever had. 但明天貌似会超过我曾过得最开心的一个生日
Oh, thank God we don't have to hear that stupid story 感谢上帝  再不用听那故事
- about that place... - It was called the Fun Zone. -什么地方来着  -在欢乐地带球场
I was 11. 那年我11岁
I hit 10 straight fastballs in the batting cage. 连续击中10个直线快球
Then my best friend Jeff Sweeney stepped in 然后我的铁哥们杰夫·斯威尼冒出来
and took one in the groin. 被我正中胯下
I yelled out "Ball two!" 我喊道  又中两"球"
Everybody laughed. 所有人爆笑
That was when I knew I was funny. 那时我就知道  我很搞笑
Good night. 晚安
B-E-L-I-E-V-E. Believe. B-E-L-I-E-V-E  相信
Are you sure there's not an "E-I" In the middle? 中间不是E-I吗  你确定吗
- No. It's "I-E." - Good, papi! - 不  是I-E  -好样滴  宝贝
If I can't fool you, then your teachers can't fool you either. 我绕不晕你  你老师也别想成功
I don't think they're trying to fool me. 老师没必要绕晕我吧
Wait until you see what I got Phil for his birthday. 猜猜我给菲尔买了什么生日礼物
I found it on the SkyMall catalog. 天维购物淘到的
Ay. It's not one of those talking alarm clocks? 啧啧  不是那种会说话的闹钟吧
"It's 6:05. It's 6:25. Wake up. Wake up." "6:05啦  6:25啦  醒醒啦醒醒啦"
Even better. A rosewood chess set. 比那个棒多了  一套紫檀木棋
As matter of fact, before I wrap this thing, 话说  不如我等会再包装
what say we take it for a spin? 我们先来一局怎么样