《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第5期:该出手就出手(在线收听

 How'd you do that? 怎么将的

You will not believe what's going on 你肯定猜不到
at Jake and Debbie's house. 杰克和黛比家出了什么事
-Who? -The people on the monitor. They must live nearby. -谁  -和我们串线那家  肯定就住附近
So much drama. 他家太狗血了
Okay, Jake told Debbie that he had to work late. 杰克跟黛比说  他要加班
So she called his boss 黛比打给他老板
and found out that he didn't. Busted! 发现没加班  抓包
So she spent all morning on the phone 她就打了一早上电话
crying and crying and crying to her mother... 跟她妈妈哭啊哭啊哭
and said if Jake has to work "late" one more time, 说如果杰克再"加班"
she's filing for divorce. 她就要离婚
That's it? I give you that tasty dish 就这样吗  我端上狗血大菜
and all you give me is a "Huh"? 你就只"哈"一声吗
I-I'm s- Cam, I froze last night. 对不起小卡  昨晚我吓呆了
I froze. 真是呆了
I thought Lily was in danger and I froze. 我以为莉莉有危险  就吓呆了
But not you. No, you sprung right into action. 可你没有  你立刻行动
You even had the cool "It's go time" line. 居然还拉风地说了句"走起"
That comes to me naturally. I spent a year as a crossing guard. 那是本能啦  我做过一年交管员
Cam, I mean, what kind of parent am I 小卡  我算是什么爸爸啊
if I can't even protect my own family, you know? 连自己的家人都保护不了
Just once I would love to be the guy with no fear... 我真想有那么一次无所畏惧
who can stand up and, I don't know, you know, kick some ass. 站起来  该  该出手时就出手
You're so cute when you're angry with your little fists. 你那小粉拳挥得真萌
Just wanna put you in my pocket. 真想把你装进口袋里