《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第6期:爸爸的生日愿望(在线收听

 Think he's coming. 老爸下楼了

- He's coming? - Here he comes. -来了吗  -来了来了
- Dad! - Happy birthday! -老爸  -生日快乐
You guys! That's awesome. 孩子们  帅呆了
- Oh, who are these from? - Cam and Mitchell. -谁送来的气球  -小卡和米奇尔
Those guys are a class act. 典型的基情温馨
We're making you breakfast. 我们给你做早餐呢
French waffle cakes. 法式华夫饼哦
Let me guess: One waffle in between two pieces of French toast 我猜猜  两片法式吐司夹华夫
wrapped in a pancake. 外面裹着煎饼
Nailed it. 全对
Bring it in here, monkeys. 过来吧孩儿们
Love you! Get over here! 老爸爱你们  快过来
Good enough. 真棒
Where's Mom? 老妈人呢
You mean the greatest woman in the world? 你是说史上最棒的女人吗
She is standing in line at the Apple Store, 正在苹果店门外排队呢
making all my birthday wishes come true. 要实现我所有的生日愿望
Let's see how these bad boys taste. 看看味道怎样
- Oh, no... - Son of a... Oh! It's hot! -别碰  -老天  烫
- Are you okay? - Fresh out of the oven? That is... -没事吧  -刚出炉是吧  真是
- Do you want some ice? - Yes. -要冰块吗  -要
Oh, man! This... 靠  真是...
- Oh, that feels better. That feels better. - Sorry, Dad. -舒服多了  舒服舒服  -对不起  老爸
No, it actually- That feels weird. 没有  太诡异了
That burns in a different way! 换了种疼法
Don't wash this until we see if I can get my skin back. Okay? 烤盘别洗啊  我皮还黏在上面呢