《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第8期:盛装打扮(在线收听

 I'll get that. 我去开门

- Hi, Manny. - Mitchell? -曼尼  -米奇尔
What are you doing here at... 你有何贵干呀
4:17 on a Saturday afternoon? 现在时间  周六下午4点17分
Oh, I'm just returning my dad's belt of tools, so- 我来还老爸的工具包
At 4:17 on a Saturday afternoon? 周六下午4点17分吗
Don't you have something better to do? 你没别的事可干了吗
- So, were you a big hit? - What do you mean? -装扮成功吗  -什么
Well, I just assumed there was some kind of costume party. 你借这玩意多半是参加化妆派对嘛
Was Cam the Indian? 小卡扮印度阿三是不
No. For your information, Dad, 不  跟你说  爸
we were actually doing a little construction at the house. 我们确实是在家建了东西
What'd you build? 建了什么
A gift-wrapping station. 礼品包装小站
And we're back. 真够基情的哈
- So, thank you for that. - You're welcome. -谢了  -不客气
Hey, uh, Dad, do you remember when I was, probably 11... 老爸  你记不记得我11岁时
and you were teaching me how to fight, and then I quit? 你教我拳击  我半途而废来着
Yeah, when you said everything you needed to learn 是啊  你说你要学的招数
you'd learn from West Side Story. 《西区故事》那种歌舞片里都有
- Yeah. - How'd that work out for you? -对  -花拳绣腿好用吗
If I'm ever in a dance fight, I'll let you know. 哪天斗了舞  一定告诉你
So, yeah- Is the offer, uh, still good? 那  你还想教我吗