《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第9期:全家动员买苹果(在线收听

 Why? What's the matter? You got problems with Cam? 怎么了  你和小卡闹矛盾啦

No! Why would you say that? 怎么会呢  你咋猜那个
Well, come on. I mean, you know, sharing a room with a guy? 拜托  和男人同居哎
I bunked with my brother. I know that can get pretty rough. 我跟我弟弟睡过上下铺  天天暴力
I don't "bunk" with Cam. 我和小卡可不睡上下铺
Dad, I just wanna learn a little self-defense, you know. 爸  我就是想学点自卫术
Show me what you remember. 还记得哪招  耍来看看
- Right now? - Yeah. -现  现在吗  -来吧
Okay, uh- Gosh, uh- Thumbs out. 好吧  老天  拇指外扣
- Thumbs. Attaboy. - And then- -没错  乖仔  -然后
That wasn't- That wasn't very pretty, was it? 不咋漂亮  是不
You know what? Maybe it was a little too pretty. 其实  恐怕是太"漂亮"了
That's the thing. 没错
Here it goes. 起飞了哈
Oh! Oh, man! 老天
Buddy! 哥们
Think the problem is, you're not jumping from high enough. 你起跳点太低了  才没飞起来
You should get on top of the garage. 去车库顶试试
Alex, stop trying to kill your brother. 艾丽克斯  别害你小弟了
Listen, guys, I need your help. 各位  妈妈要求助你们
We've gotta find your dad one of those iPad thingies. 得给老爸找个iPad来
So, Haley, text everyone you know. 海莉  给你朋友群发短信
Alex? Facebook, chat, tweet, buzz, bling, 艾丽克斯  Facebook  推特什么的都发一圈
I don't know! Just do what you have to do. 我不懂那些玩意  你要通过一切渠道
We have got to find one of these iPads. Okay? 千万找个iPad来  好吗
Luke? Sweetie, that means stay out of everyone's way 卢克小可爱  别挡路
and stop inhaling the balloons. 也别吸氢气