《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第10期:路人交心(在线收听

 I'm not inhaling them. 我哪有吸氢气

Stop lying. 少撒谎了
How did she know? 她怎么发现的
Didn't your mama teach you never to take a ride from a stranger? 妈妈有没教你  别坐陌生人的车
Got a little vacation time coming up? 快放假了吧
Have fun on the moon! 上月球好好玩吧
Not feeling too well lately? 最近身体不爽是吗
Maybe you should come see the doctor... 来看看医生
and I'll get rid of it! 哥帮你解决
What's that supposed to mean? 你瞎嚷嚷啥呢
Attention. If you're here for Phil's birthday party, 请注意  参加菲尔生日派对的朋友们
they're gathering in the picnic area. 请到野餐区集合
Phil's birthday party. 菲尔的生日派对
My wife knew I'd be here. 我老婆知道我会来这
She put together a whole party for me. 给我准备了派对哎
Does that really make up for not getting an iPad? 这能弥补iPad的事儿吗
Don't make me sorry I shared that with you. Okay? 我跟你交心了  你可别挑拨我们
See you, fellas. 拜啦各位
Howdy-do! 侬好呀
I just heard the announcement for Phil's birthday party. 广播说菲尔的生日派对在这
Oh, yeah. It's right around the corner. 对的  拐弯就是
- Awesome. - Have fun! -太棒了  -好好玩
Thank you. Thanks, my lady. 谢谢你  美女