《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第12期:被柔术打倒(在线收听

 Okay, Mitchell, I'm gonna teach you 米奇尔  我就教你几招

a couple of basic Brazilian jiu-jitsu moves. 基本的巴西柔术吧
Now, just attack me. 现在  来打我
I'm sorry- What? 什么
Take any deep-seated anger you may have, 释放你内心的怨恨
get a running start and come at me. 冲过来打我吧
Dad, I don't have any deep-seated anger. 老爸  我没记恨过你啊
Remember that Halloween when 记得那次万圣节
I wouldn't let you go as Olivia Newton-John? 我不让你扮奥利维亚·纽顿-约翰吗
You see what I did? I used your momentum against you. 懂了吧  借力打力
I learned this choke from the Gracie brothers. 格雷西柔术创始人教我的
It's called the lion killer- mata lella. 这招叫"伏狮锁"
- Okay. - Now try to get out. Try to get out. -懂  -试试挣脱  挣一下
- See? - I can't. -难不  -挣不开
Yeah, all right. Now- 挣不开就对了
- Passing out... - See, the beauty of this is, -我要晕了  -这招就厉害在
you don't have to make the first move. 你不用贸然攻击
You know, chances are your opponent's gonna be overconfident. 对手可能会轻敌嘛
He's gonna think you don't know anything. 以为你是个菜鸟
Basically, he's being suckered into thinking- 反而被骗  就显得很二
Manny. Manny, that little bastard, he hustled me. 曼尼  曼尼这小子耍我
Oh, crap. 糟
Ah, crap. Mitchell! 糟了  米奇尔
Oh, crap. All right. Come on. Breathe. 得  吸气  加油
Attaboy. You all right? Coming around. 好小子  快醒来
- Why am I on the floor?-  Come on, Mitchell. -我怎么趴地上了  -醒过来  米奇尔