《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第16期:买苹果被抓(在线收听

 Mitchell, what are you doing? Get off of him. - Shut up. 米奇尔你干什么  放开他  -闭嘴

He's about to go to sleep. - No, I'm not. 他就要晕了  -才没有呢
Okay, folks. Break this up. You three- out of line. 请不要打架  三位请出列
Oh, no. I'm sorry, sir. I didn't have anything to do with this. 抱歉先生  我和他们无关
I'm just waiting in line to get an iPad. 我只是排队买iPad而已
I don't even know this guy. 我都不认识他
Oh, my God. I need your credit card. 老天  我得用你的信用卡
- He's the problem. - Shut up! You're supposed to be asleep. -是他挑事  -闭嘴  你怎么还不晕
- It's okay. I have it. - Get off! -没事我拿到了  -放开我
- I've got it. - What? -我拿到了  -什么
I've got your card. I'm good. No, I'm good. 你的卡  我没犯事  没犯事
I'm good. I'm here. I'm here! 我排在这呢  这儿
I've gotta get my husband an iPad! 我要给我老公买iPad啊
Key to a good birthday? Low expectations. 生日快乐的秘诀就是  别期待太多
Thought I was getting an iPad. I was wrong about that. 我以为能有iPad  期待错了
Thought I was getting a surprise party at the batting cages. 以为球场有惊喜派对
Sorry, Big Phil. 不好意思  大菲尔
Guess when it comes right down to it, 我觉得  说到底
we're all just Jeff Sweeney taking a fastball to the plums. 我就跟被踢中蛋蛋的杰夫·斯威尼一样
Hey, um, Dad, your cake fell off the counter, 老爸  蛋糕掉地下了
but Uncle Cam's trying to fix it. 但小卡舅夫正补救呢
He won't. 他只会偷吃掉
And the pizzas never showed up. 披萨一直都没送来
And they won't! 没来就没来呗
Hey, balloons. 基情小气球啊
Fine. I guess we'll never know. 得  反正没法知道了
Or we can find out right now. 要么现在见分晓