《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第17期:挽救了一个家庭(在线收听

 Yeah, Manny, give me the chess set. 曼尼  棋盘给我

- Oh, it's a chess set. - Yeah. You'll get it later. -送我棋盘啊  -待会再给你
We got something to settle now. 我们得决一死战
- Go in there. - Happy birthday, Phil. -往里走  - 生日快乐  菲尔
Happy happy. 一定快乐哟
Is that Claire's baked brie I smell? 好香  克莱尔烤了干酪吗
No. 没
Oh, Cam, Cam, you'll never believe what happened. 小卡小卡  你不会相信的
- Happy birthday, Phil! - Sure! -生日快乐  菲尔  -当然啦
You'll never believe what happened. 你绝不会相信的
I got in trouble for fighting. 我和人打架了
And we saved a marriage. 我们还挽救了一段婚姻
- Well, this is the best day ever. - It really is. -今天真是史上最棒  -没错
Ain't it though? 可不是嘛
Look at this, papi, huh? 宝贝  看我这招
Easy. 淡定
You can't sing "We Are the Champions"... 别唱 冠军之歌
without your queen. 你的皇后都没了
Damn it! Listen, I lose and I burn this house down! 该死  要是我输了  我就烧掉这房子
- Ah, but look at this... - Honey, honey. -看这儿  -亲爱的  亲爱的
What are we doing? This is ridiculous. 我们闹什么呢  太滑稽了
One of us is gonna win the game, 我们总有个要赢
the other's gonna feel lousy, and we both lose. 另一个就不爽  只会两败俱伤