《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第15期:幸福的工作(在线收听

 We good in the hood? 这边情况如何

This is a uniquely frustrating group of boys. 那帮家伙简直让人倍受打击
I hear you. Um, one thing that might help- instead of a zone, 确实  我有个小建议  停止联防
if you switch to a simple man-to-man. 转而进行一对一防守
- I got this.  - Really? -我可以的  -是吗
'Cause according to the scoreboard, 但是根据记分板数据
the only thing you got is four points. 你只拿了四分
Good luck. 好运
- I need to talk to you.  - I need to talk to you. -我要跟你谈谈  -我要跟你谈
Nice top. 衣服不错
Come here. You- You- 到这来  你  你
Cam- Cam, you have got to relax. 小卡  小卡  你得放轻松
I told you I wouldn't take a job without- 我说过我不会接受新工作的  除非
- Take the job.  - What? -快接受吧  -什么
I want you to take the job. 我要你答应下这份工作
I thought you liked having me home with Lily. I- 我以为你想让我在家带莉莉呢  我
I don't. I mean, I do. I just- 我不想  我是说  我想  我只是
I miss my time with Lily, 我怀念和莉莉一起的好时光
and I know it's selfish of me, but- 我知道这太自私了  但是
- No, I want the job.   - You do? -不  我想要工作  -真的吗
Oh, my God, yes. 当然  我  
I- I love Lily, but I hate baby talk. 我爱莉莉  但是我讨厌说话依依呀呀地
I love baby talk. 我喜欢依依呀呀地说话
- Let's go get this job.  - Let's get this job. -答应下这份工作  -答应下来
- Okay.  - Oh, no. -好的  -不会吧