《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第17期:我爱你(在线收听

 Guys, you're on the same team! 小伙子  你们一个队的

Time out! 暂停
- Time out! - Get over here! -暂停  -给我过来
Guys, earlier we practiced a few set plays. 各位  我们刚刚合计的几个战术
Did any of them involve wrestling the ball from your own teammate? 哪里提到让你们从队友手中抢球了
- But you said to be aggressive.  - Yeah! -你说要使出浑身解数的  -没错
Not on your own team! Wait here. 但不是对你队友使  待着别动
You gotta coach. I can't take it. 得你来教  我干不了
- You talkin' to me?   - Yeah, I'm talkin' to you. -你是在跟我说吗  -是  是跟你说
You gotta take over. I'm about to lose it out there. 你得接手  我就快输了
That sounds tough, Coach. 那可真不容易  教练
- What's your problem? - Hey, Coach! Ticktock. -你这是怎么回事  -教练  该继续了
I was dealing with the coach. You pushed me aside. 我之前跟教练交涉  你把我挤开
I was dealing with the boys. You pushed me aside. 我给孩子们指导  你把我挤开
Believe it or not, Jay, 信不信由你  杰
there are some things that I am better at than you are. 有些事我比你擅长
- Bam! It's out there.   - Oh, for God's sake. -砰  终于把话摊开了  -老天啊
- Coach!   - He's calling you. -教练  -他叫你呢
Listen. I don't blame you for being angry. All right? 听着  我能理解你很不爽  好吧
I'm used to taking charge. That's all. 我习惯了主事  仅此而已
I should have let you coach from the get-go. 我一开始就该让你来做教练
And? 还有呢
- I love you.  - No. The barbecue. -我爱你  -不  烧烤那事儿
Oh, for God's sake. 噢  老天啊
I'm sure your steaks would have been delicious... and not chewy. 你烤的牛排肯定好吃  不会咬不动