《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第8期:不穿裤子吃早餐(在线收听

 Dad? 爸

Come on in! It's open! 进来吧  门没锁
Don't tell me. You need a cup of sugar. 别说你是上隔壁借白糖来了
Nah. Just, uh- 不  我只是
I was just wondering, I don't know, uh- 我只是觉得  那个
Anything on the old noodle? 您脑子里没在烦恼什么事吧
Other than a bad toupee? 除了这顶烂假发吗
I'm kidding, of course. This is my real hair. 我开玩笑的  这可是真头发
- Well, okay. - Wait a minute. -好吧  -等一下
I want to ask you something. 我有事问你
Am I putting you in a bad position with this whole dog thing? 我把狗带来是不是让你为难了
Claire seemed a little put out. 克莱尔看起来不太高兴
Oh, don't worry about it. Claire didn't like me at first either. 别理她  克莱尔一开始还不喜欢我呢
I can't blame her. Dismissed! 那也不怪她  解散
Oh, Dad, um, you know what? I, uh- 爸  你知道吗  我...
Claire saw something, 克莱尔撞见了一件事
and she'd kill me if I- if I didn't ask. 要是我不问你  她非灭了我
What is it? 什么事
Would you wear pants to breakfast, for crying out loud? 你吃早饭时就不能穿条裤子吗  真叫人"哭"笑不得
- You got me again. Right in the funny bone. - All right. -又被你骗到了  正中弱点  -很好
Come on, Scout. Let go of it. 拜托  斯科特  松口
No, no, no! 别  别
Dog. Look at this. 坏狗狗  你看这个