《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第10期:在家闷得慌(在线收听

 I'll always remember him as the stranger holding my baby. 我会记得他是抱着我女儿的陌生人

Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second? 你能到厨房来一下吗
Yeah. Hey, guys, let's, uh- let's just take five. 好的  各位  我们休息一下
What's up with 21 Jump Street? 这支龙虎少年队怎么了
Oh, well, their drummer quit 他们的鼓手退团了
and I'm gonna fill in for him tomorrow night. 我明晚帮他们顶替一下
No, no. We have Pepper's 不  明天我们得去胡娇家的
apres-ski fondue party tomorrow night, Cam. 滑雪风情奶酪火锅派对  小卡
Oh, no. 不是吧
So you'll just have to tell your band 你得通知乐队
that they're gonna have to find someone else. 另请高明了
You know what? No. I'm not gonna let these fellas down. 不  我不能失信于他们
I made a commitment. 我答应他们了
You made two commitments, okay? 你也答应了胡娇  好吗
And you know how Pepper is. 而你又知道胡娇那脾气
Everything has to be perfect. 凡事必须完美
He gets mad if you don't wear a big sweater. 你不穿厚毛衣他都能跟你急
Yeah, I remember. I got so hot last year, 我记得  去年我热得要命
I almost went face down in the gruyere. 差点晕死在奶酪上
So I'm going by myself, is that what you're saying? 所以你是想让我一个人去吗
I just feel like I kind of need this. 我真心需要参加这个
To round out your college applications? 为了丰富你大学申请书吗
It's just that because I'm always home with Lily... 我总是呆在家里守着莉莉
I just feel like I'm going a little bit stir-crazy. 我闷得有点发疯了
Look at the den. 你看看那书房
Every time I finish painting it, I start all over again. 被我翻来覆去地粉刷
It's like the Golden Gate Bridge. 都快赶上金门大桥了
I'm gonna go back to jamming. 我要回去练习了