《摩登家庭》第1季第24集 第15期:完美的妻子(在线收听

 Now we are. - We're ready! 现在拍吧  -准备好咯

- Say "cheese." - Say "cheese"! -说"茄子"  -"茄子"
Back in '68, when I was sweeping up hair in that barbershop, 68年我在理发店扫头发的时候
I had this mental picture of the family that, 我曾幻想今后自己家庭的样子
if I was lucky enough, 如果够走运的话
one day I would end up with- perfect wife, perfect kids. 有一天我会坐拥完美的妻子  完美的孩子
Guess what. I didn't get any of that. 结果呢  我没那运气
Wound up with this sorry bunch. 最后捞到这么一群二货
And I'm thankful for that every day. 可我每天都对此充满感激
Well, most days. 大部分时候吧
I think I'm just gonna go with the Elvis stuff. 我还是就提猫王艾维斯的事好了
Yeah. I would. 换我也会
Uh, to the right. To the right. 右边点  右边点
A skosh to the left. 稍微往左一点点
There we go. 对了
Whatever. I'm gonna have to take the picture down 不管了  反正重刷墙壁的时候
when I repaint the wall anyhow. 还是得把这幅照片取下来的
- Kill me now. - What? -杀了我吧  -什么
Don't know how I got so lucky. 我真是太幸运了
I love you. 爱你