摩登家庭第三季 第54期:该长高时候自然就会长高(在线收听

 Listen, Manny, you're already intelligent and beautiful and funny. 听着,曼尼,你已经集美貌、智慧、风趣于一身了。

If you get tall, you're going to have everything, and those poor boys are not gonna have anything to compete with you. 如果你再长高点,你就过于完美了,其他那些歪瓜裂枣怎么再和你相提并论呢。
Look at this. You have a mark on your head now. I'm gonna go get you some ice, okay? 看看这。你头上都有个伤痕了。我给你拿些冰来,好不好?
That's a lot of pretty words, but they don't help me tomorrow. 话倒挺好听的,可我明天怎么办啊。
Sorry, kid. It's just one of those things. You get taller when you get taller. Why don't you get ready for bed? 抱歉,孩子。都浮云而已。该长高时候自然就会长高。你应该睡觉了吧?
Ah, jeez. You know, when I was your age, I started working out to get the girls. 老天。我像你这么大的时候。我靠健身来吸引女生。
You think that would help? 你觉得有用吗?
Yeah. So tomorrow, we start working out. Okay? 没错。明天,我们一起去健身。好不好?
Maybe I'll even show you a few pull ups on, uh, this bad boy here, huh? 要不然我来给你做几个引体向上,就在这玩意上面。
You see that? Pretty soon, that's how strong...you're gonna be. 你看见没?过不了多久,你也能 这么壮。
Thanks, mom.  Shh! I don't want them to know I was here.  Okay. 谢了,妈妈。 嘘!我不想让他们知道我在这。 好的。
Oh, Claire, I thought that was you. Thank god. Come in. 克莱尔,我就知道是你。谢天谢地。快进来。
I can't. 'cause I'm sick, remember? Sorry. 不行。因为我病了,记得不?抱歉。
Well, my DVD player just broke, and none of us know how "Gone With the Wind" Ends. But you saw it, right? 其实,我DVD机坏了,我们都没看到《乱世佳人》的结局是什么。但你看过 对吧
Oh, is that Claire?  Yeah. Can you tell us what happened? 是克莱尔吗? 是。 能告诉我们结局吗?
I could, but I don't want to ruin it for you. 我能,但我不想给你们剧透啊。
No, we really need to know. We need to know. Claire. Just tell us. 不会,我们真的想知道。 我们真的想。 克莱尔。快告诉我们吧。
Um...Scarlett is...really mad at Clark Gable, because, um, he says so many bad things. 郝思嘉真的很生克拉克·盖博的气,因为他说了很多不好听的话。
And didn't he, um, burn down a farm or something? 是不是,还把一农场什么的给点了?
Claire, have you been drinking? 克莱尔,你是不是醉了?
I had a hot toddy. Made one for my throat. (苏格兰热托地:一种暖身的酒精饮料)我喝了点苏格兰热托地,喉咙有点不舒服。
Pretty dressed up for a night in bed, right? Yeah, 晚上卧床的话,你这也穿的太光鲜了吧?
I I just threw on the first thing I could find...when Luke called, and it was just right there on the chair. 我只是随手拿了件衣服穿,卢克打电话来时正好那件就在椅子上。
She has a stamp on her hand. 看她手上还盖着章呢。
Okay. All right. Before we bust out the pitchforks and the torches, May I remind you that I've driven every one of your children home and heimliched at least one, Bethenny. 好吧。在大家点亮火把群起而捉奸之前,可别忘了我曾经帮你们把孩子都送回家,还急救过至少一个,贝瑟妮。
Hi.  Hello. 大家好。 你好。
This is totally inappropriate. But could I use your bathroom? Sorry. You kept pushing the drinks. I friend. Gay friend. Gay.  I I'm not gay. Yes, you are. 说来尴尬。我能借用下洗手间吗?抱歉。你一直灌我喝酒。他是我朋友。同志朋友。 我不是同志。 你必须得是。
I I'm not gay. I'm I'm french. You thought I was gay? 我不是同志。我只是法国人。你以为我是同志?
Are you serious right now?  Well, are you? You've been throwing yourself at me all night. 你是认真的吗? 你对我是"认真的"吗?你整晚都在投怀送抱。
No, no. No, I have not. 哪有。我才没有呢。