摩登家庭第六季 第81期:我们被那帮伴娘困住了(在线收听

 Hi. Sorry that took so long. We got trapped by those bridesmaids over there. 抱歉让你们等了这么久。我们被那边那帮伴娘困住了。

Yeah. 是啊。
Hi. 你好。
That's what happens when you bring gay guys to a straight club. 带基佬来异性恋酒吧玩就是这样。
We're like catnip to drunken bachelorette party girls. 对喝醉的开单身派对的姑娘来说我们就是醒酒剂。
The problem is, they can get a little bit clingy. 问题就是她们有点粘人。
But don't worry, Haley. We are here for you tonight. 但别担心,我们今晚是为你来的。
To Haley's first drink, huh? Salud. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. 为海莉人生中的第一杯酒,干杯。来吧。来吧。
Ooh, it burns. 好辣呀。
Thanks again for driving me, Jay. 再次感谢你载我,杰。
You've arrived at your destination. Get it? Because we're in a German car. 您已到达您的目的地。懂吗?因为我们开的是德国汽车。
I have lived a long, full life. I will drive us into a wall. 我已经渡过了漫长又充实的一生。我会开车撞墙上的。
Tonight, while Claire gets things started at the bar, Jay is taking me to pick up Haley's birthday present - A new car! 今晚克莱尔先带着大家去酒吧庆祝,杰则带着我去取海莉的生日礼物——一辆新车!
Phil shopped around, found something very safe and low-maintenance with lots of good reviews. 菲尔总是货比三家,然后挑既安全保养费用低评价又好的东西。
Till I married her. 直到我娶了她。
I'm joking! You're not low-maintenance! I doubled down. 我开玩笑呢!你的保养费用可不低!我双重打击成功。
Oh, I heard you. Are you sure you don't want me to go in with you, you know, maybe hammer out some final details? 我懂你意思。你确定你不用我陪你进去吗?也许还能敲定一些细节呢?
No. Deal's already worked out. 不用,协议已经订好了。
I'm just gonna pop my Herbie Hancock on a few forms, and I'll, uh - I'll meet you at the bar. 我只需用我灵活的手指在几份表格上签个字,我们酒吧见。
Great. Well, you don't need me. 太好了,你不用我陪。
Leaving Phil with a car salesman is like covering a baby goat in barbecue sauce and dropping it in the middle of the Serengeti. 把菲尔丢给汽车销售员就好比将一只涂满烧烤酱的小山羊丢到塞伦盖蒂平原上。
Well, I-it all seems to check - wait a minute. This can't be right. 我,好像一切都 ...等等。
Am I allowed to sign this with a red pen? 不对劲儿啊。我可以用红笔签字吗?
Good catch, Phil. 说得对,菲尔。