摩登家庭第六季 第83期:有个舅舅(在线收听

 Hey, Lily, how about something to eat? You want some chicken nuggets? 莉莉,想吃点什么吗?你要吃鸡块吗?

Okay. So, do you know how babies are made? 好的。你知道孩子是怎么来的吗?
Yep, and I'll tell you. 是的,我会告诉你。
But first, we're gonna need a pen and a bagel. 但首先我们需要一支笔和一个贝果饼。
Why? 为什么?
Well, you're gonna need to take notes, and I'm hungry. 你需要记笔记,而我饿了。
Please. Okay, we can't wait any longer. We are dying to give you our present! 拜托。好了,我们不能再等了。我们迫不及待要给出礼物了!
Guys, I said no gifts. 各位,我说了不要礼物的。
No, you said no gifts under $100. Oh, did I? Gimme. 不,你是说不要一百元以下的礼物。是吗?给我。
It's just a little something from your supercool guncles. 就是你超酷的基舅们送你的礼物。
Okay! 好吧!
There is a lot of pressure when one is a gay uncle...Or guncle....giving a gift to a niece as hip and chic as Haley. 这种事压力很大的,基佬舅舅...或者说基舅。...要送海莉这么潮的侄女一份礼物。
In the 10 years that we've been together, we've only missed the mark one time. 我们在一起的十年里只有一次搞砸了。
Yeah, when Claire told us what to buy, but we learned our lesson...Ignore Claire and trust our gay instincts. 是啊,克莱尔告诉了我们该买什么,但我们学到了教训...无视克莱尔,相信我们的基佬直。
Or "Ginstincts." 或者说“基觉”。
Too much. 太过了。
No. Oh, my god! So cute! 别说了。天啊!好可爱!
Really? You think? Yes! Totally! Super cute! 你真这么觉得吗?是啊!超可爱!
Because we can return them if you don't like them. 如果你不喜欢的话我们可以退掉的。
No, no, they're good. I love them. 不不,挺好的。我喜欢。
If we wore the same size, I would have these on right now. 如果我们穿同一码的鞋子,我现在就会穿上。
He's been gone a long time. I think we hurt his feelings. 他走开很长时间了。我觉得我们伤害了他的感情。
These guys don't have feelings. 这些人没感情。
He's back there making time with a secretary, bragging about how he's taking a couple suckers for a ride. 他在后面勾搭秘书呢,吹嘘自己带了几个白痴去试驾。
Look. He was in the military. 瞧,他之前是军人。
So was Oswald. 奥斯瓦德也是肯尼迪遇刺案的主凶。
Can you trust me that I'm gonna get you the best deal possible? 你能信任我会给你争取到最优惠的价格吗?
You know what? Why do I keep fighting you on this? 知道吗?为什么我要一直抗拒你?
You know what you're doing. I'm behind you all the way. 你知道自己在做什么。我会一直跟随你的。
Well, I spoke to my manager...Yeah...and I can't give you the wheels or the discount. 我跟经理谈过了...怎么样...轮胎或者折扣都没法给你们。
Frankly, he's mad that I gave you the deal that's on the table. 说实话我给你的那个价格让他很不满。
Well, thanks, Daryl. You did your best. You, too, Jay. 谢谢,达里尔,你尽力了。你也是,杰。
I guess we'll just sign and be on our way. 我还是签了然后赶紧开走吧。
Or we can get out of here. 我们还是走吧。
What? 什么?
I'm sorry, buddy. I got a pal at the dealership closer to his house. We're gonna take our business there. Let's go, Phil. 对不起,老兄。他家附近的经销商那里有我一个哥们。我们去那买好了。菲尔,我们走。
I think Phil wants to take the car. Don't tell Phil what he wants. Phil wants to leave. 我觉得菲尔想买下这辆车。不用你告诉菲尔他想干什么。菲尔想走了。