摩登家庭第六季 第93期:你个大号婴儿(在线收听

 The kids had a Friday off of school, so we picked up Manny and went to our favorite pancake place -- Relaxing. 孩子们周五放假,所以我们接上曼尼去我们最爱的薄饼店...放松一下嘛。

Mitchell, hi. What? ! 米奇尔,你好。什么?!
Oh, have him tell Cam I'll pick him up for racquetball in an hour. 让他跟小卡说我一小时后去接他打壁球。
I can't even hear him it's so loud. Can everybody just shut up? ! 这么吵我根本听不见他说什么。大家都闭嘴好吗?!
I hate it. 真讨厌。
Sorry about that. Anyway... 很抱歉,总之...
Hello. 你好。
Hello. Is this Phil Dumpster? 你好,请问是菲尔.邓垃圾桶吗?
What do you want, Gil? 干嘛,格尔?
Got to be kidding me. Hang on. 没搞错吧,等等。
I need you to send a gift to mom for her birthday from the both of us. 我需要你代表我们两人送一份生日礼物给妈妈。
No, I did it last year. 不行,去年就是我送的。
I know, and I need you to do it again. 我知道,但我要你再送一次。
Look, I've got a conference call at 1:20. Then Luke's tutor comes to the house, 45 sales meeting, and I still got to get Alex to judo. 听我说,1点20分我有个电话会议。之后卢克的家教要来家里,45分有个销售会议,我还得送艾丽克斯去上柔道课。
And yet you somehow found time to bitch at me. You really can have it all. 但你还是挤出时间来找我无理取闹了。你还真是事业生活两不误啊。
Honestly, just get her a stupid gift card, you big baby! 说真的随便给她买张礼品卡就行了,你个大号婴儿!
Why does everything with him have be so dramatic? 为什么事情一碰到他就都这么麻烦?
Why are we stopping? 我们为什么要停下来?