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 今天我们要学的词是 setback.

setback 的意思是挫折、挫败。The British Parliament overwhelmingly rejected a proposed Brexit deal on Tuesday, delivering a setback for U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May. 英国议会星期二以绝对多数票否决了英国脱欧协议的提案,给英国首相特蕾莎·梅带来挫败。
A fall in consumer spending in December is a further setback for Britain's retail industry, which is already grappling with higher costs and disruption from a possible no-deal Brexit. 英国12月份消费者支出下降给其零售业带来更大的困难,英国零售业已经在穷于应对成本增高的问题和有可能无协议脱欧带来的破坏。