美国有线新闻 CNN 美国武器评估 特朗普提议从太空保卫美国(在线收听


Patriots, Stinger and Tomahawk are all names of what? Military missions, missiles, modeling agencies, or monster trucks. All of these are the names of missiles used by the U.S. military.

A review of U.S. weapons that was discussed Thursday was f?ocused on missile defense, protecting America against missile threats from other countries.

When President Donald Trump visited the Pentagon to discuss America's strategy, he mentioned defending the U.S. from space. The plan would be to deploy sensors there that could discover when a missile was fired from the ground and then keep track of where it went. It's not clear what the cost would be for a program like that.

Other options for missile defense could include lasers deployed from drones that would destroy incoming weapons and a system that's now in place uses interceptor missiles to blow up ones that are in flight.
