美国有线新闻 CNN 第二次金特会越南河内上演 会谈成果成焦点(在线收听


Another priority for President Trump is getting the communist nation of North Korea to completely give up its nuclear program.

He's in the southeast Asian country of Vietnam right now for a second historic summit with North Korea's leader. Kim Jong-Un is hoping that the U.S. will end its sanctions, its economic penalties on his country. The question of which nation should make the first move has been a sticking point since the two leaders first summit last summer. Ahead of their second meeting, the White House said just the fact that these two rival leaders were getting together was a victory and that a third summit down the road might be necessary for them to reach a final agreement. But several international analysts are saying that this summit is when action needs to be taken.

WILL RIPLEY: U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un are meeting for a second time. First, it was Singapore — now Hanoi, Vietnam. Whatever you want to call it, Trump-Kim Round Two, Trump-Kim The Sequel, Trump-Kim 2.0, it's surreal. These guys went from trading threats —

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: They will be met with fire and fury.

WILL RIPLEY: — to exchanging letters.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: And then we fell in love. OK? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters.

WILL RIPLEY: But, let's be real. Analysts say it will take much more than letters for the Hanoi Summit to deliver what Singapore did not — actual progress on denuclearization. The first summit was heavy on symbolism, light on specifics. Trump and Kim signed a vaguely worded agreement. It allowed them to walk away with very different ideas of what should happen next. Now you can argue both sides have taken steps to reduce tensions.

Before the summit, Kim suspended missile launches and nuclear tests. The North Koreans even took us to their nuclear test site so we could watch them blow parts of it up. After the summit, North Korea handed over a few dozen sets of Korean War remains. Trump suspended joint military exercises with South Korea. He sent his top diplomat Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang four times.

MIKE POMPEO: We had productive good faith negotiations.

WILL RIPLEY: But talks fell apart. The U.S. wanted North Korea to be transparent about its nuclear program and to start taking irreversible steps to get rid of nuclear weapons.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Complete denuclearization.

WILL RIPLEY: Did that happen? No. North Korea wanted the U.S. to ease up on sanctions pressure, work on building trust, normalizing relations. Did that happen? No. That's what makes the second summit in Hanoi so important. Analysts say both sides need to come to the table with realistic expectations, a willingness to compromise and they need to walk away with a specific plan. Singapore delivered plenty of made-for-TV moments. Hanoi needs to deliver results.
