摩登家庭第六季 第272期:乐意在女儿面前表达感受(在线收听

 I know someday I'm gonna lose you to another woman, and I'll find a way to be okay with it. 我知道将来我要把你交到别的女人手上,但是我会想办法接受的。

Thanks, Kylie. 谢谢你,凯莉。
But not today. 但今天不会。
So, I walk into his office he's looking at a picture of me and he's crying. 接着我走进他的办公室,他在看我的照片,而且在哭。
Your dad? 你爸爸?
Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. 是啊,我都不敢相信。
This is why I'm glad that I show my emotions in front of the girls. 这也是为何我很乐意在女儿面前表达我的感受。
I think that's the reason that feeling...- Phill, can we at least have my story until the oven preheats? 我觉得这就是为什么... -菲尔,我们能不能在炉子热起来之前先听完我的故事?
Sorry, I thought you were finished. 对不起,我以为你说完了。
Okay, so, anyway, I went back later and it turns out he wasn't crying, he was plucking his nose hairs. 好吧,后来我又去了一趟他的办公室。原来他没有在哭,他是在拔他的鼻毛。
I didn't expect that. 我可没想到。
Yeah, me neither. 是啊,我也想不到。
To walk into that theatre and see their cute little heads together after they had been fighting all afternoon. 能走进那间影院然后看着她们的小脑袋靠在一起,就在她们吵了一下午的架之后。
Come on, you had to be done that time. 拜托,你刚才绝对算是说完了。
No, is it me? Is it the way that I tell stories? 不,这是我的问题吗?是我讲故事的方式有问题吗?
Am I so boring or is everyone in this family that self-involved. 是我太闷还是这个家里的所有人就只关心自己。
As I was saying her name was Elena and she's from North Carolina. That's my roomate. Now I'm done. 接着我刚没说完的,她叫埃莲娜,来自北卡罗莱纳州。这就是我的室友,现在我说完了。