摩登家庭第六季 第274期:你是他的新宠(在线收听

 Gloria, would you tell your cousin to stop leaving his trash everywhere? 歌洛莉亚,你可以告诉你的表亲不要再到处乱扔垃圾了吗?

It's been five days of this nonsense. He comes in here, eats all my food, drinks all my booze, and never so much as does a dish. 他这么胡闹有五天了。到我家来,吃光我的食物,喝光我的酒,连个碗都不知道洗。
Oh, yes, so different from what all those white people over there are doing. 是的,和那边那些白人在做的事完全不同呢。
You got a blind spot for the deadbeat yahoos in your family. 你对你家这些好吃懒做的蠢货容忍度还真高。
He's not a yahoo, and don't say that in front of him! 他才不是蠢货,不要当着他的面这么说!
He doesn't speak english! 他不会说英语!
He understands it. 他能听懂。
Oh, really? Fire! Run! Fire! 真的吗?着火了!快跑!着火了!
You're being ridiculous, Beth. Don't go. 你瞎说什么呢,贝丝,别走。
Oh, you're so sweet, but I don't want to intrude, so I'll just see you guys later. 你真贴心,但我不想打扰你们,所以我们晚点再见吧。
Oh, Gloria, tell her she can stay. 歌洛莉亚,告诉她她可以留下。
Of course you can stay. 你当然可以留下了。
We love having you here, especially Joe. You're his new favorite. 我们喜欢你来做客,尤其是乔。你是他的新宠。
I used to be his favorite until I told him I get paid to hang with him. I just felt like he had a right to know. 我曾经是他的最爱,后来我告诉了他,我陪他玩是拿了钱的。我只是觉得他有知情权。
If I'm being honest, I thought I was into Andy. 说实话,我之前以为自己喜欢上安迪了。
Then his girlfriend, Beth, came into town, and she's really sweet and they're great together. 后来他的女友贝丝过来看他,她人很好,他们在一起很幸福。
So, in the spirit of graduation, I'm officially moving on. 所以本着毕业季的精神,我要正式放下他走向未来了。
And, unlike my actually graduation, there's no pregnancy scare. 而且和我自己的毕业季不同,这次没有怀孕惊吓。
All right. Good. 好的。穿好了。
Uh, are you sure about that outfit? 你确定要给他穿这件吗?
Why does this keep happening? 怎么总是发生这种事?
Well, it's not because Joe dresses like an adult. 反正不是因为乔穿得像个成年人。
I dress like an adult. 我穿得很像成年人。
You wore light-up sneakers to a Radiohead concert. 电台司令演唱会那次你穿着闪光运动鞋。
Yes. And did we ever get separated? 是的,而我们有没有走散呢?
Not for lack of trying. 我不是没有尝试过甩掉你。
Oh, my God. Haley, the number of times I've thrown those shoes away. They're just too easy to spot in the trash. 天哪。海莉,你不知道我扔那双鞋扔了多少次。它们在垃圾堆里太容易被找到了。
Oh, yes. Yuk it up. 是的,继续笑吧。
I'm gonna go get him a new shirt. 我去给他找件新上衣。