生活口语天天说 第238期:怎样谈论篮球赛与三级跳(在线收听

 I'm going to see a basketball match. 我要去看篮球赛

I'm going to see a basketball match. 我要去看篮球赛。
Is it a final? 是决赛吗?
No, It's a semifinal. 不。是半决赛。
Is there any famous basketball player in this match?  这场比赛有著名的运动员吗?
Yes. Yao Ming will be the focus in the match. 是的。姚明会是这场比赛的焦点。
Could you please tell me the rules of triple jump?   你能告诉我三级跳的规则吗?
I like this triple jump very much. 我非常喜欢三级跳比赛。
Could you please tell me the rules of triple jump?   你能告诉我三级跳的规则吗?
I don't know. 我不知道。