生活口语天天说 第246期:怎样谈论周末休息(在线收听

 I'll sleep in on weekends after a week's work. 工作一周之后周末我要睡个懒觉。

What do you plan to do on weekends? 周末你打算做什么?
I'll sleep in on weekends after a week's work. 工作一周之后周末我要睡个懒觉。
Are you going to spend two days sleeping? 你要睡两天吗?
I will do nothing on Saturday except sleeping in bed. 周日我除了睡觉之外什么都不想做。
Get up!Don't waste your time in bed. 快起床!别把时间都浪费在床上。
No. I will do nothing on Saturday except sleeping in bed. 不。周日我除了睡觉之外什么都不想做。
Don't forget you'll have an examination next month. 别忘了你下个月要考试。
I'm too tired to read any books. 我太累了,不能看书。