
 Your boy's not looking too good out there today, Grayson. 你儿子今天表现不佳啊  格雷森

Mm. It's not even halftime.There's still plenty of game left. 都还没到中场休息呢  这场比赛还长着呢
Care to back that up with a wager? 那敢打个赌吗
I stopped playing games with you when I fired you 18 years ago. 十八年前我解雇你之后我就再也不和你玩什么游戏了
I'd say that particular game worked out pretty well for both of us. 我不得不说  在那场特别的游戏中  你我都获益不浅
But if you don't want to throw any more money away on that son of yours, I can understand. 不过如果你不想在自己儿子身上浪费钱的话  我懂的
The only thing you seem to understand, Mr. Harmon,is how to ruin a perfectly good afternoon. 哈蒙先生  似乎你唯一懂得的是如何毁掉一个美好的下午
Just having a little fun, Vic.Tell you what, I'll even the playing field. 开个小玩笑罢了  小维  这样  我们公平一点
Put your money where your mouth is on Daniel,and I'll take back the 5 points you're already down. 把钱压在你们引以为傲的丹尼尔身上  你们已经落后的这五分我忽略不计
I'll take that bet.Hello again, Mr. And Mrs. Grayson. 我跟你赌  我们又见面了  格雷森夫妇
Ah, Ms. Thorne. What a pleasant surprise.You remember Emily. 索恩小姐  你也在这儿  真高兴见到你  你记得艾米莉吗
Of course, yeah. The girl next door. 当然了  住在我们隔壁的女孩
Oh, not for much longer, I'm afraid.I understand that Lydia and Michael's house is in multiple offers. 恐怕我们不能再当多久邻居了  我获悉有很多人出价购买莉迪亚和迈克尔的那栋房子
Actually, one of those offers is mine. 事实上  我也是其中一个竞价买家
Oh. Well, we're gonna keep our fingers crossed for you. 我们祝你能成功买到那栋房子
Thanks, but I went in strong.My realtor is expecting good news. 谢谢  但我志在必得  我的房产经纪人正在等好消息
Gotta like a girl who goes after what she wants.Bill Harmon. 追逐自己想要的  这样的女孩我喜欢  比尔·哈蒙
Emily Thorne. 艾米莉·索恩
You watch your money around this one, young lady. 小姑娘  在他面前可得管好你的钱包
He'll take you for every penny if he can. 他会不惜余力剥夺你身上的一分一毫
Well, I know a good bet when I see one. 我有很好的投资眼光