《复仇》 第54期:消磨时间(在线收听

 So I know why I got roped into interning at the death star, 我知道我为什么会被抓去死亡之星实习

but why the hell would you want to ruin your summer, 可你怎么也想赔上你的暑假
working for my dad? 为我爸工作
Are you kidding? 你开玩笑吧
Grayson Global is one of the largest wealth managers on Wall Street. 格雷森国际是华尔街数一数二的理财公司
Thanks for loaning me the suit, by the way. 另外  多谢你借我这套西服
Not too shabby. 还不赖
You wear it well. 挺合你身的
Oh, there's my damn phone. 可恶的手机  总算给我找着了
Now if I could just find my credit card. 现在就差信用卡没着落了
Oh, I think you left it at the Blowaway. 你可能把它落在偷渡者酒吧了
Is that place for real? 那地方不是我幻觉吧
Ty, another night like last night, 泰  如果昨晚再来一回
And I'll be spending the summer at one of your parents' houses, 我情愿到你父母的别墅去消磨时光
which doesn't sound half bad, actually. 听上去也的确蛮不错的
All you did was let off a little steam. 你不过是纾解了一下压力而已
Don't let your parents make it a bigger deal than it was. 别被你父母搞得小题大作的
Besides, the tension around here 再说了
isn't about you anyway. 现在关注的焦点也不在你身上
Sounds like your mom's just still pissed 貌似你母亲还是对
about that woman your dad slept it. 和你爸上床的那个女人耿耿于怀
Come again? 再说一遍
Lydia something. 那个叫莉迪亚什么的人
You didn't know? 你不知情吗
Danny... 丹尼