《复仇》 第55期:忽视我的存在(在线收听

 Missed you at breakfast. 你没来吃早饭

Not hungry. 我不饿
Charlotte... We're going to have to 夏洛特  我们要来谈谈
discuss our communication problems at some point. 我们之间某些沟通问题
And rather than dwelling on the past, 比起纠结于过去来说
I think the remedy for us 我觉得最好的补救办法
would be to find some common ground. 是来找找我们的共同语言
Start spending some quality time together. 来一起分享些美好的时光
What'd you have in mind? 你有什么想法吗
Well... For starters, 首先呢
I thought it might be fun if you joined me and the ladies 我觉得  你可以来参加我每周的女士午餐会
for my weekly luncheon. 一定很有趣
You're unbelievable, you know that? 你真是不可理喻
The only reason you want to parade me in front of your lady puppets 带我在你的那些跟屁虫朋友面前亮亮相
is to prove I've forgiven you. 只不过为了证明我原谅你了
Exactly how many more times do I have to apologize 在你跟我说对不起前
before you do? 我还要和你道歉多少次
You wished I'd never been born. 你希望我从未出生
Do me a favor and pretend I wasn't. 您老就帮个忙  忽视我的存在吧
Excuse me. 打扰一下
I have a special delivery for Victoria Grayson. 我有一份给维多利亚·格雷森的特别快件
Gift from a Conrad Grayson. 康拉德·格雷森送的礼物
Where do I sign? 我签哪儿