《复仇》 第56期:诚恳的道歉(在线收听

 Lydia. 莉迪亚

I had no idea you were still doing work for Open Arms. 我不知道  你现在还为"无私关爱"做事
But more importantly, 但更重要的是
I thought you'd decided to summer elsewhere. 我以为你决定去别处过夏天了
Well, what can I say? 怎么说呢
It was a decision wasn't entirely comfortable with. 那个决定并不合我心意
And now that my divorce is finalized, thank god, 我的离婚事务总算了结了  谢天谢地
It's my full intention to return to the fold. 我现在一门心思  想回到这个圈子
If you'll have me, of course. 当然咯  前提是你能接纳我
Of course. 这是自然
Michael's loss is our gain. 迈克尔所失乃我们所得
Excuse me. I really do have to take this. 抱歉  我得接这通电话
How did you like the surprise? 你还满意这份惊喜吗
Well, if sending Lydia over to our house 如果你觉得把莉迪亚送到家里
is your idea of a surprise, 算是惊喜的话
Then you've grossly misjudged my sense of humor. 那你真是高估了我的幽默感
Wait a minute. Lydia came to the house? 等等  莉迪亚去家里了
You have completely mishandled this situation. 这件事你处理地糟透了
Uh, y-you're right. I'm--I'm sorry. 对不起  都是我的错
I'll talk to Frank and decide how best to proceed. 我会找弗兰克谈谈如何让事态转变
In the meantime, try to find it in your heart to accept my honest apology. 与此同时  考虑下接受我诚挚的道歉吧
And if not my apology, then at leas accept the car. 即使不接受我的道歉  至少接受那辆车吧
What car? 什么车
This is a $200,000 car, easy. 这车可值二十万美元  别坐坏了
Oh, yeah? See those pedals? 看到那些踏板了吗
One's a brake, one's a gas, 一刹车  一油门
same as a dump truck. 跟垃圾车没区别