《复仇》 第175期:女王的威胁(在线收听

 The people I bring into my inner circle 被我带进我这个圈子的人

will always be protected. 都不会受到伤害的
You will remain in that circle 只要你能信守承诺
as long as you hold up your agreement. 你就能安稳地待在圈子里
If you choose not to, 如果你不这么做的话
I guarantee that those memoirs you're so proud of 我保证你这引以为傲的自传
will end in a very dark chapter. 会以悲剧结局
"It was nearly 15 years to the day 从我的第一本书出版到现在
since the publication of my first book, 已经差不多十五年了
the definitive work on David Clarke's role 这本剖析大卫·克拉克
in the downing of flight 197, 在197事故中扮演的角色的著作
that I found myself sitting across from 最终定稿是在我见过
the daughter of that now infamous man. 这位声名狼藉者的女儿之后
I sat both rapt with wonder 当时我怀着既好奇又内疚的心情
and besieged by guilt as Amanda recounted for me 听阿曼达描述
the crushing disappointments of a life spent 为了摆脱父亲罪行所造成的巨大阴影
running from the awesome shadow of her father's misdeeds. 她所经历的极度失望的生活
At the time of her father's incarceration, 在她父亲入狱时
she was just 9, 她只有九岁
barely able to comprehend much less question 几乎无法理解  更不用说去质疑
the charges leveled against her father. 针对她爸爸的控诉了
But the Amanda Clarke that appeared before me now 但我如今再次见到了阿曼达·克拉克
was all grown-up 她已经长大成人
and determined to question everything. 并坚持质疑一切
Her misgivings were contagious 她的疑虑很有感染力
And forced me to take a long look back, 让我回忆了许久
to sift through every word I had written 仔细斟酌我写下的每一个字
in search of any mistakes that demanded correction. 寻找是否有需要改正的错误
Could it be true? 所写是否属实