生活口语天天说 第268期:怎样计划去酒吧(在线收听

 Let's have fun in a bar tonight. 我们今晚去酒吧消遣吧。

I'm free tonight. 今晚我有空。
Let's have fun in a bar tonight. 我们今晚去酒吧消遣吧。
Nice idea. 好主意。
Let's go to that bar of American style. 我们去那家美式酒吧。
I prefer a quiet one. 我喜欢安静一点儿的。
Would you like to have a drink after work? 下班后去喝杯酒好吗?
Would you like to have a drink after work? 下班后去喝杯酒好吗?
But I'm a little tired. 但是我有点儿累了。
You will be relaxed in the bar. 在酒吧你会很放松的。