《复仇》 第308期:名人兜售赝品(在线收听

 You want your money back, hmm? 把你的钱要回来吗

Or do you want to just excise me 还是说  你打算除掉我
like you did to the last man she loved? 如同你除掉她之前爱的那个男人一样吗
Oh, yeah, she told me 没错  她告诉了我
what you did to David Clarke. 你对大卫·克拉克的所作所为
She told you what I did? 她告诉你  那是我做的吗
What you both did. 是你俩一起做的
Yeah, well, eventually, you would've learned 总有一天你会知道
that Victoria's word is about as authentic 维多利亚的话就像你伪造的画作那样
as the paintings you forged. 不值一文
But to answer your question, 不过让我来回答你的问题
no, I'm not here to excise you. 不  我不准备除掉你
I know I'm not the only wealthy collector 我知道我不是唯一一个多年前
you and Victoria worked your con on all those years ago. 被你和维多利亚合伙欺诈过的收藏家
So if you really want to finalize Victoria's shame, 如果你真想要维多利亚难堪
I could have her arrested 我保证让她
for knowingly brokering forged classics. 以兜售赝品诈骗罪被捕
Or... 又或者
You could do the noble thing. 你可以发扬高尚风格
You could take your current spate of masterpieces 带着你现有的杰作
and you could clear out of this joint. 全身而退
And leave nothing behind... 不要留下任何东西
But my wife. 除了我妻子之外
You know, you might wanna leave... 在我把你脸
before I break every one 打残前
of the 14 bones in your face. 你赶紧滚