《复仇》 第340期:年轻时的阿曼达(在线收听

 You bastard! 你个混蛋

What the hell? 怎么了
What's wrong with you, you crazy bitch? Get off him! 你这疯婆子发什么神经  放开他
Screw you, you son of a bitch! 滚你的  混蛋
Stop it! You're gonna kill him! 停手  你会杀了他的
Let go of me! 放开我
Freak! 疯子
Come on, man. Take it easy. I'm just a girl. 伙计  放松点  我可只是个女孩
I will give you $10,000 for a cigarette. 我给你一万美元  买你一根香烟
You know, you really shouldn't smoke, Amanda. 你知道你不应该吸烟的  阿曼达
It's bad for the skin. 对皮肤不好
You. 是你
What the hell do you want? 你想要什么
Some moo goo gai pan and maybe some wontons. 一份蘑菇鸡片  一些馄饨
Care to join? 想一起吃吗 
No. 不想
Well, I really hate to eat alone, so, uh... 我很讨厌一个人吃饭  所以
Why don't you hop in? 来  上车吧
You should really drink some tea. 你真应该喝点茶
It'll help with that hangover. 对缓解宿醉很有帮助
I don't like to think that far ahead. 我可不想考虑那么遥远的事情
Oh, well, that explains why, uh, you didn't consider 这就能解释你在酒吧厕所里
that the guy you just toilet capped at the club 打那个男人
could press charges. 却没考虑这可能会让你陷入诉讼
Well, let him. I can afford it. 随他去  我玩得起
I promised your dad that I would look after you. 我向你父亲承诺过要好好照看你的
You don't even know me. 你都不了解我