生活口语天天说 第309期:怎样谈论钓鱼(在线收听

 I am going to fishing. 我要去钓鱼。

You told me that your fish pole broke last time. 你告诉我上次你的钓鱼竿折断了。
I bought a new one yesterday. 我昨天又买了个新的。
Are you fishing alone? 你自己去钓鱼吗?
Yes. Would you like to go with me? 是的。你想和我一起去吗?
No. I'm not interested in it. 不。我不感兴趣。
Fishing makes me relaxed. 钓鱼让我感到很放松。
Don't you think it too dull to sit there for all day long? 整天坐在那里不觉得很闷吗?
No. Fishing makes me relaxed. 不。钓鱼让我感到很放松。
I'm not so patient. 我没有耐心。