生活口语天天说 第313期:怎样谈论花房(在线收听

 How often are the plants watered? 这些植物多久浇一次水?

Is this your greenhouse? 这是你的暖房吗?
Yes.Let me show you around. 是的。我带你看看。
How often are the plants watered? 这些植物多久浇一次水?
I water them every day. 我每天都给它们浇水。
You are so hardworking. 你真勤劳。
It is springlike in all seasons in the greenhouse. 暖房里面四季如春。
The greenhouse is splendid!There are so many beautiful flowers. 暖房太好了!有这么多美丽的花儿。
It is springlike in all seasons in the greenhouse. 暖房里面四季如春。
Do you mean the flowers bloom in all seasons? 你的意思是说这些花儿一年四季都开?