生活口语天天说 第320期:怎样谈论城市节奏(在线收听

 I can't stand the rhythm of city life. 我无法忍受城市生活的节奏。

You look so depressed.What happened? 你看起来很消沉,怎么了?
I can't stand the rhythm of city life. 我无法忍受城市生活的节奏。
Cheer up.You will get used to it. 振作一点。你会习惯的。
Why are the urban people so cold with each other? 为什么城里人互相很冷漠?
Why are the urban people so cold with each other? 为什么城里人互相很冷漠?
Maybe because they are so busy. 也许是因为他们太忙了。
No one talks to me.I'd love to escape the hustle of city life. 没有人和我说话。我想逃离城市生活的忙碌。
You'd better ask several days off and have a rest. 你最好请几天假休息一下。