生活口语天天说 第341期:怎样谈论唐人街(在线收听

 This is Chinatown. 这里是唐人街。

There are so many Chinese restaurants here. 这里有这么多中餐馆。
This is Chinatown. 这里是唐人街。
Are these Chinese restaurants run by Chinese people? 这些中餐馆都是中国人开的吗?
Yes,most of them are run by Chinese people.Do you want to have a look at it? 是的,大部分都是中国人开的,你想去瞧瞧吗?
Oh,yes. 嗯,是的。
I met many Chinese people here every day. 我每天在这里都能看到很多中国人。
I met many Chinese people here every day. 我每天在这里都能看到很多中国人。
You have little chance to practice your English. 你很少有机会练习英语了。
In fact I seldom speak English. 事实上我很少说英语。
So far sa I'm concerned,it's a good opportunity to communicate with foreigners. 我认为这是我和外国人交流的好机会。
Maybe you are right.I will seek chance to practice English. 也许你是对的,我会寻找机会练习英语的。