生活口语天天说 第359期:怎样谈论渥太华(在线收听

 It is very common in the winter in Ottawa. 渥太华的冬天下大雪足很平常的。

It's snowing heavily.  雪下得真大。
It is very common in the winter in Ottawa.  渥太华的冬天下大雪是很平常的。
The snow is so beautiful. 雪太美了。 
From mid-November, snow started to pile up in Ottawa.  从11月中旬开始,渥太华开始积雪。
The winter in Ottawa is freezing. 渥太华的冬天寒冷刺骨。
From mid-November, snow started to pile up in Ottawa.  从11月中旬开始,渥太华开始积雪。
I think I will be adapted to it. 我想我会慢慢适应的。
Although the weather here is very cold, the people are warm. 尽管这儿天气寒冷,但人们很热情。
Yes, that's the reason why I remain here. 是的,这正是我留下来的原因。 