《复仇》第2集 第9期:为谎言付费(在线收听

 Where is he now? 他现在在哪儿

Dr. Thomas, a word. 托马斯医生  借一步说话
Of course. Let's, uh, step into my office. 没问题  我们  办公室里说
Oh, this won't take long. 用不了几分钟
I just got off the phone with our family lawyer. 我刚和我们的家庭律师通完电话
He said you testified to Charlotte's mental incompetence. 他说你曾证明过夏洛特精神不健全
Your sister is a very sick girl. 你妹妹病得很严重
No, what's sickening is 不  严重的是
how far you and my father went to pull this scam. 你和我父亲玩这场骗局的龌龊程度
Not that you're a stranger to abuse of power. 局外人滥用职权  这项还是轻的
Now whatever he's paying you for your lies, 不管他为你的谎言付给你多少钱
Believe me, it won't offset the lawsuit I'll slap on you 相信我  绝对赔不起我让你惹上的官司
unless you get on the phone to judge Morris 除非你和莫里斯法官通个电话
and recant that evaluation immediately. 立即撤销评估结果
I will call him now. 我现在就打给他
Grab your things. We're leaving. 拿好东西 我们走
They're releasing me? - No, I am. 他们要放了我吗  -不  我放了你
It turns out, dad was keeping you in here 原来是爸爸把你关在这儿
in order to get his hands on your inheritance. 为了染指你的那份遗产
I knew it. You stopped him? 我知道  你阻止他了吗
I found out too late, 我发现得太晚了
but I promise, i'm gonna get it all back for you, every penny. 但我保证  我会帮你全要回来  分毫不差
Now come on. Let's get you out of here. 好了  我带你出去
I'm not going anywhere with you. - What? 我不会和你去任何地方  -什么
Isn't it convenient, you come in here acting like the hero, 太巧合了吧  在爸爸偷走所有钱之后
but only after dad stole everything? 你才来这儿一番英雄做派