《复仇》第2集 第11期:需要钱(在线收听

 Mom? 妈妈

Charlotte? 夏洛特
Oh, my god. It's you. 天啊  真的是你
Oh, you're here. Oh. 太好了  你来了
Mm. Are you all right? 你还好吗
I've been worried half to death about you. 我快被你吓得半死了
Dr. Thomas confiscated my phone. 托马斯医生没收了我的手机
He was working for dad. 他为爸爸效力
They took everything, mom. 他们把一切都拿走了  妈妈
My inheritance is gone. 我的遗产分文不剩了
All of it? 全都没了
Dad had a judge declare me mentally unfit. 爸爸让法官判我精神状况不适宜监管资产
Oh, that pig is even more despicable than I ever imagined. 那小人比我想象中更加卑鄙无耻
It's gonna be okay, though. It's only money-- 不过一切都会好起来的  不过是钱
Sunshine and happy thoughts 仅靠阳光和乐观
aren't going to get us through this, Charlotte. 可不能让我们撑下去  夏洛特
We need that money to survive. 我们需要那笔钱来生存
I can get you money, mom. 我能给你弄到钱  妈妈
But I can't go with you. 但我现在不能跟你走
At least, not yet. 至少  不是现在
I'm going to be an aunt. 我就要做阿姨了
Oh, god. 天啊
Don't tell me that your brother impregnated Emily Thorne. 别告诉我你哥哥让艾米莉·索恩怀孕了
It's not Daniel. 和丹尼尔没关系
It's my sister... 是我姐姐
Amanda. 阿曼达