《复仇》第2集 第26期:母亲是个出色的打手(在线收听

 You're starting a new life, and I want to, too. 你要开始新生活  希望我也能如此

I'm gonna get my own place 一旦我存够钱
as soon as I can save up the cash. 我就会搬出去住
Okay, so not anytime soon. 好吧  那还有好一阵子
Jack? 杰克
You might want to turn on the TV. 打开电视看看吧
...are confirming Victoria Grayson, 证实曾被认为死于
who was thought to have died over two months ago 两月前飞机失事的
in a private plane crash, 维多利亚·格雷森
was found earlier today. 在今天早些时候现身了
No way. 不可能
Sources say Grayson was abducted 消息来源称格雷森曾被绑架
and restrained here in this remote cabin. 并被囚禁于这个偏僻的小木屋中
Her captor is still at large. 绑架者仍在逃
Looks like the bitch is back. 看来贱人回来了
Nothing would give me greater pleasure. 我乐意之至
All of this will exonerate you. 这些录像能洗去你的罪名
And it's yours... 现在归你了
But there's something I need in return. 不过我也要些回报
You once said I was a hell of a fighter, 你曾说过我像我母亲一样
like my mother. 是个出色的打手