《复仇》第3集 第5期:拿石头砸自己的脚(在线收听

 Let me see Murphy's phone. 给我看墨菲的手机

It's destroyed, thanks to you. 已经坏了  多亏你
And why do you want it anyway? 你为什么想要它
To finish what you started-- 助你一臂之力
identify and take down the initiative. 想明白  掌握主动权
This man was their agent. 这人是他们的手下
That phone could lead us to them. 手机能助我们对付他们
This phone could lead to my mother. 手机能助我找到母亲
I am keeping it. 我不会给你的
Look, the loss of your mother-- 你失去母亲
I know exactly how it feels. 我感同身受
But do not let it distract you from your true mission. 但别让它干扰了你的真正使命
You are better than that. 你能做得更好
I want you to leave. Now. 你走吧  现在就走
Sorry. I've got other instructions. 抱歉  另有命令在身
Takeda. 是武田
I thought he didn't send you. 还以为不是他派你来的
He's lost faith. I'm here to restore it. 他对你失去了信心  我来恢复这一切
So sooner or later, you're gonna have to start trusting me again. 迟早  你会重新开始信任我
Now... are you gonna take the head 现在  你搬头
or the feet? 还是搬脚
The head. 我选头