《复仇》第6集 第13期:脏钱使人家破人亡(在线收听

 Your handiwork I presume? 我猜是你的手笔

Say you'll do it. Please. 答应他的要求  拜托
So did you want to carpool to the wedding, 你是要我接你去婚礼
or should we just meet you there? 还是我们直接在那见面
Mase, uh, why don't you just text me that number? 小梅  不如你把号码短信发给我
And I'll get I.T. right on it. 我立刻跟踪这个号码
What did I just agree to? 我刚才答应了些什么
The beginning of the end for Mason Treadwell. 毁灭梅森·特德韦尔的开始
That drive up reminded me of Himeji Castle. 来时的路让我想起了姬路城
Remember that simulation we did there? 记得我们在那做的模拟训练吗
What were we training for? 我们是在训练什么来着
Clandestine ops. 秘密暗杀
Well, take it from me, 我敢保证
there are worse places in the world 世界上还有比这糟糕得多的
to have to carry out one's mission. 执行任务的地点
If your life was destroyed 如果你被买这所房子所花的
by the money that paid for this thing, 肮脏钱财害得家破人亡
You might think differently. 你可能就不这么想了