美国小学英语教材6:第119课 金河王(20)(在线收听


When Gluck found that Schwartz did not come back, he was very sorry and did not know what to do. 当格拉克发现施瓦茨没有回来后,他感觉很遗憾,不知道该怎么做。
He had no money, so he was obliged to go and hire himself again to the goldsmith, who worked him very hard and gave him very little money. 他没有钱,他很乐意再次当一名金匠,他努力工作,但挣得却很少。
After a month or two Gluck grew tired and made up his mind to go and try his fortune with the Golden River. 差不多过了一两个月,格拉克感到疲倦了,他决定去金河试试运气。
The little King looked very kind, thought he. I don't think he will turn me into a black stone. 他认为矮国王看起来很友善,我不认为他会让我变成黑石头。
So he went to the priest, and the priest gave him some holy water as soon as he asked for it. 所以他找了牧师,当他向牧师要圣水时,他立即给了他一些。
Then Gluck took some bread in his basket, and the bottle of water, and set off very early for the mountains. 随后格拉克在篮子里放了一些面包,一瓶水,早上很早就前往了山峰。
If the glacier had caused his brothers a great deal of fatigue, it was twenty times worse for him, 如果冰川让哥哥们精疲力尽,那对于他而言要比他们困难二十倍,
who was neither so strong nor so practiced on the mountains. He had several bad falls, lost his basket and bread, 他既不强壮也不是爬山的能手,他曾好几次重重的跌落,丢失了他的篮子和面包,
and was very much frightened at the strange noises under the ice. He lay a long time to rest on the grass, 更害怕冰川下面发出的奇怪噪音,他在草甸上休息了很长时间,
after he had crossed over, and began to climb the hill just in the hottest part of the day. 之前他跨越了冰川,并在这一天最炎热的时候开始爬山。
When he had climbed for an hour, he became dreadfully thirsty, and was going to drink as his brothers had done, 当他爬行一个小时后,他变得非常口渴,像哥哥们做的一样喝起了水,
when he saw an old man coming down the path above him, looking very feeble, and leaning on a staff. 当他看到一个老人从他上面的道路上下来时,他看起来很虚弱,靠在一根棍子上。
My son, said the old man, I am faint with thirst; give me some of that water. Then Gluck looked at him, 老人家说我的儿子,我口渴得头晕目眩,给我点水,格拉克看着他,
and when he saw that he was pale and weary, he gave him the water. Only pray don't drink it all, said Gluck. 当他看到老人家脸色发白,身体虚弱时,他给了他水,格拉克只在企求不要全喝光。
But the old man drank a great deal, and gave him back the bottle two-thirds empty. 但这位老人家喝了很多,归还后只剩下了三分之一。
Then he gave Gluck his blessing, and Gluck went on again merrily. The path became easier to his feet, 随后他祝愿了格拉克,格拉克欢快地继续上路,脚下的路变得很容易,
and two or three blades of grass appeared upon it. Some grasshoppers began singing on the bank beside it, 两三片小草出现在了路上,一些蚱蜢开始在河岸歌唱,
and Gluck thought he had never heard such merry singing. Then he went on for another hour, 格拉克认为他从来没有听过如此美妙的歌声,之后他又前行了一个小时,
and the thirst increased on him so that he thought he should be forced to drink. 他又感到了口渴,他想他不得不喝水了。
But as he raised the flask, he saw a little child lying panting by the roadside, 但当他即将举起水杯时,他看到一个小孩子气喘吁吁地躺在路边,
and it cried out piteously for water. 正可怜巴巴地呼喊着水。