向前一步:第219期 让我们开始讨论吧(25)(在线收听

 When Nitin Nohria was appointed dean in 2010, he made it his mission to close this gap. 当尼丁·诺瑞亚在2010年出任院长时,他决定以消除这个差距为使命。

He began by appointing Youngme Moon as senior associate dean of the MBA program, 他任命了扬米·穆恩为高级副院长,分管MBA项目,
the first woman to hold that position in the school's century-plus history. 她是建校100多年以来出任该职位的第一位女性。
He also created a new position for Robin Ely, an expert on gender and diversity. 诺瑞亚院长还设立了新职位,邀请性别与多样化研究的专家罗宾·埃利出任。
Associate Dean Moon, working with Professor Frances Frei, spent the first year rigorously examining the school's culture. 穆恩副院长和弗朗西斯·弗雷一起工作,第一年就对校园文化进行了严格的审视。
They visited each classroom and discussed the challenges women and international students faced. 他们造访每个教室,与学生们讨论女学生与留学生所面临的各种挑战。
Then they used that knowledge to create what Dean Nohria calls "a level of mindfulness." 然后,他们根据访谈结果形成了诺瑞亚院长所说的“一种意识水平”。
Without calling for major overhauls, they tackled the soft stuff—small adjustments students could make immediately, 他们没有大动干戈搞改革,而是进行了一些软性的变化,包括立刻就能让学生做到的微小调整,
like paying more attention to the language they used in class. 比如注意课堂上使用的语言。
They laid out a new, communal definition of leadership: 他们对“领导力”提出了一种新的、公共化的定义:
"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence." “领导力,是指让别人因为你的存在而变得更好,即便你不在场,这种能力也能继续发挥影响。”
They held students responsible for the impact their behavior had on others. 他们让学生关注自己的行为对他人产生的影响,从而变得更有责任感。
Those who violated that principle, or even hosted an event where that principle was violated, were held accountable. 那些违反这个原则甚至制造违反原则事件的学生,将被要求对自己的行为做出解释并承担责任。